How does this process work?

Use our contact form to book your quick discovery call and, ultimately, your consultation.

At your in-person consultation, we take measurements, photos, inventory and dig deep to understand the biggest hurdles in your space in order to curate the best organizing solutions that will make your experience go off without a hitch.

Commit to our services by reviewing our project proposal. (50% deposit) to Book your sessions and get excited about your transformation (it will be epic)!

Time to get to work and completely change your life through intentional and innovative organizing techniques. We remove your items, sort, edit, categorize, and label to optimize your space. Clients are only asked to determine if items are for trash, donation, resale, or if they items need to be relocated to another area. Join us for the editing process, or let us take control–whichever makes you feel best.

Darleen and Christie high fiving

Don’t forget to celebrate your new spaces! 

It’s not an official step, but we like to think you’re as happy with your finished spaces as we were bringing them to life. We’ll even give you a few pointers on maximizing these new systems and retraining your brain for organized success!

Time to call in the organizing professionals!

Like PB&J, Mac & Cheese, or The Home Edit & rainbows, you & Shelf-Esteem were made for one another.

Working with Shelf-Esteem Organizers just feels right.